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Open data

NILU is one of Europe’s leading institutions for storage of data on atmospheric composition. At present, NILUs thematic databases collects, organizes and makes available data on behalf of, among others, the UN, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), several European research infrastructures and the European Space Agency (ESA). The information gathered in these databases is openly available and free of charge to anyone who wants access to atmospheric research data.

Data collections of research data are important, independent sources of information. For example, scientists from around the world use the data to work out global and regional trends, test models, and assess changes in atmospheric parameters over time. In addition, the information from NILUs databases is important as a basis for international cooperation and policy formulation for global emission reductions.

Open databases:


The EBAS database collects observational data on atmospheric chemical composition and physical properties from a variety of national and international research projects and monitoring programs, such as ACTRIS, AMAP, EMEP, GAW and HELCOM, as well as for the Norwegian monitoring programs funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Ministry of Climate and Environment and NILU.


EVDC is the ESA (European Space Agency) atmospheric Validation Data Centre, which is used to store, quality assure and exchange atmospheric data from earth observation satellites and data to validate these, so-called Cal/Val data (calibration and validation).


The ACTRIS data center includes EBAS and two other external databases (CloudNet and EARLINET). It provides free and open access to all data derived from the ACTRIS infrastructure network’s activities. The goal of the database is to help researchers collect and access atmospheric data from a variety of databases distributed around the world.


Air quality measurements: