Found 346 publications. Showing page 14 of 15:
Tiltaksutredning for lokal luftkvalitet i Sarpsborg og Fredrikstad
Tiltaksutredningen omfatter en kartlegging av luftkvaliteten i Fredrikstad og Sarpsborg ved trafikkberegninger og utslipps- ogspredningsberegninger for PM10 og NO2 for dagens situasjon (2016) og framtidig situasjon (2022). Forurensningsnivåene er innenfor de juridiske grenseverdiene og det er ikke formelt krav til tiltak utover gjeldende handlingsplan (2017). For å redusere risikoen for overskridelser av grenseverdiene i et «ekstrem år» og generelt forbedre luftkvaliteten, er enkelte nye tiltak effektberegnet sammen med tiltak i Bypakke Nedre Glomma. Basert på resultatene fra beregningene og i samarbeid
med oppdragsgiver og prosjektgruppen, er det foreslått en revidert seks-punkts handlingsplan, med ytterligere tre tiltak for forbedret luftkvalitet utover de juridiske kravene. Tiltaksutredningen med handlingsplan skal behandles politisk.
Air quality in Norwegian cities in 2015. Evaluation Report for NBV Main Results.
This report documents the final deliveries of the first phase of development of the Norwegian Air Quality Planning Tool,
also called “Nasjonalt Beregningsverktøy” or NBV. The main purpose of NBV is to provide a common methodological and
information platform for local air quality modelling applications. The system is addressed to local and regional
environmental authorities, air quality experts and consulting companies. It is intended to help them meet the requirements
of current air quality legislation, to support local air quality planning and facilitate air quality good practices where people live.
The report constitutes a comprehensive user guide for the NBV services available at It
presents each of the different products developed at NBV, documents how the product has been calculated, provides
recommendations on how best to use it for planning purposes and explains the main strengths and limitations of each
product. The report also includes an extensive validation of the air quality information currently available at NBV.
Air quality in 7 Norwegian municipalities in 2015. Summary report for NBV results.
This report documents the methodology used to compile air quality information for the year 2015 in seven Norwegian municipality areas under the first phase of development of the Norwegian Air Quality Planning Tool, also called “Nasjonalt Beregningsverktøy” or NBV. It follows a similar structure to and complements the final report entitled “Air quality in 7 Norwegian municipalities in 2015 – Summary report for NBV results” (NILU rapport 21/2017) where information on air quality in the seven main city areas in Norway was presented.
This report constitutes a user guide for the NBV-services, available at, in municipal areas. It provides recommendations on how to best use each product for air quality planning purposes and explains the main strengths and limitations of the results. The NBV air quality data for municipalities is subject to larger uncertainties than the data available for the main Norwegian city areas and this has to be taken into consideration when analyzing the results.
Air quality in Europe - 2018 report
The current report presents an updated overview and analysis of air quality in Europe from 2000 to 2016. It reviews the progress made towards meeting the air quality standards established in the two EU Ambient Air Quality Directives and towards the World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines (AQGs). It also presents the latest findings and estimates on population and ecosystem exposure to the air pollutants with the greatest impacts and effects. The evaluation of the status of air quality is based mainly on reported ambient air measurements, in conjunction with modelling data and data on anthropogenic emissions and their evolution over time.
European Environment Agency
Prepared by Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring (EODC) GmbH in cooperation with TU Wien, GeoVille, ETH Zürich, TRANSMISSIVITY, AWST, FMI, UCC and NILU
The ESA Climate Change Initiative Phase 2 Soil Moisture Project
Monitoring of environmental contaminants in air and precipitation. Annual report 2017.
This monitoring report presents data from 2017 and time-trends for the Norwegian programme for Long-range atmospheric transported contaminants. The results cover 180 organic compounds and 11 heavy metals. The organic contaminants include regulated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as
well as POP-like contaminants not yet subjected to international regulations. Five groups of new POP-like contaminants were included for the first time in 2017.
Screening Programme 2017 – AMAP Assessment Compounds
This report summarizes the findings of a screening study on the occurrence of emerging substances selected by AMAP and other related substances measured earlier. The study includes selected solvents, siloxanes, flame retardants, UV compounds, pesticides, bisphenols and other PBT compounds in effluent, ambient air, biota, and marine plastic.
NILU og Urbanet Analyse har på oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet utviklet modellen NERVE («Norwegian Emissions from Road
Vehicle Exhaust») for klimagassutslipp fra veitrafikken i norske kommuner. NERVE beregner klimagassutslipp fra
veitrafikken totalt innenfor hver kommune geografisk og for kommunens innbyggere, både som totalt utslipp og som en
utslippsfaktor (g/km). NERVE en en «bottom-up» modell som bygger på fire detaljerte datasett; 1) Veinettet ved alle
offentlige veier fra Nasjonal vegdatabank (NVDB), 2) trafikk på vei fra Regional Transport Model (RTM), 3)
kjørelengdestatistikken for norskregistrerte kjøretøy fra Statistisk Sentralbyrå Norge (SSB) og 4) utslippsfaktorer fra HBEFA(Hand Book of Emission FActors for Road Transport.
Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway, Annual Report 2017
This report presents results from the monitoring of atmospheric composition and deposition of air pollution in 2017, and focuses on main components in air and precipitation, particulate and gaseous phase of inorganic constituents, particulate carbonaceous matter, ground level ozone and particulate matter. The concentration levels were generally low in 2017 compared to previous years.
This report presents VOC measurements carried out during 2016 at EMEP monitoring sites. In total, 19 sites reported VOC data from EMEP VOC sites this year. Some of the data sets are considered preliminary and are not included in the report.
The monitoring of NMHC (non-methane hydrocarbons) has become more diverse with time in terms of instrumentation. Starting in the early 1990s with standardized methods based on manual sampling in steel canisters with subsequent analyses at the lab, the methods now consist of a variety of instruments and measurement principles, including automated continuous monitors and manual flask samples. For oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs), sampling in DNPH-tubes with subsequent lab-analyses is still the only method in use at EMEP sites.
Within the EU infrastructure project ACTRIS-2, data quality issues related to measurements of VOC have been an important topic. Many of the institutions providing VOC data to EMEP have participated in the ACTRIS-2 project, either as formal partners or on a voluntary basis. Participation in ACTRIS-2 has meant an extensive effort with data checking including detailed discussions between the ACTRIS community and individual participants. There is no doubt that this extensive effort has benefited the EMEP program and has led to improved data quality in general.
Comparison between median levels in 2016 compared to the medians of the previous 10-years period, revealed a similar north-to-south pattern for several species.
Changes in instrumentation, procedures, station network etc. during the last two decades make it difficult to provide a rigorous and pan-European assessment of long-term trends of the observed VOCs. In this report we have estimated the long-term trends in NMHC over the 2000-2016 period at six selected sites by two independent statistical methods. These estimates indicate marked differences in the trends for the individual species. Small or non-significant trends were found for ethane over this period followed by propane which also showed fairly small reductions. On the other hand, components linked to road traffic (ethene, ethyne and toluene) showed the strongest drop in mean concentrations, up to 60-80% at some stations. The trend in n-butane was between these two groups of species with an estimated drop in the annual mean concentration of 20-40% over the 2000-2016 period
Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation: Annual report 2017.
This report summarizes the results from the Norwegian monitoring programme on stratospheric ozone and UV radiation measurements. The ozone layer has been measured at three locations since 1979: in Oslo, Tromsø/Andøya and Ny-Ålesund. The UV measurements started in 1995. The results show that there was a significant decrease in stratospheric ozone above Norway between 1979 and 1997. After that the ozone layer stabilized at a level ~2% below pre-1980 level. There are large inter-annual variations and in 2017 there were relatively low values at all the three Norwegian stations during the winter. However, the ozone situation normalized towards the end of spring.
Grenseområdene Norge-Russland. Luft- og nedbørkvalitet, årsrapport 2017.
Smelteverkene i NV-Russland slipper ut store mengder svoveldioksid (SO2) og tungmetaller. Utslippene påvirker luft- og nedbørkvalitet i grenseområdene. Miljøovervåkingen viser at grenseverdier for SO2 er overholdt i kalenderåret
2017, samt sesongmiddel vinter 2016/17. Målsettingsverdier for Ni og As er overholdt.
Discounting the effect of meteorology on trends in surface ozone: Development of statistical tools
This report presents the results using a statistical method to single out the influence of interannual meteorological variability on surface ozone. The reason for using such a tool is two-fold: Firstly, to explain the ozone levels in one specific year in terms of weather anomalies and secondly, to estimate the part of long-term ozone trends that is due to the meteorology alone. The method is a so-called GAM (generalized additive model), which could be regarded an advanced multiple regression method relating daily ozone levels to certain meteorological variables. The performance of the method was evaluated by comparing observed ozone data with those predicted by the GAM. This revealed a good to very good agreement in central Europe and Germany in particular. For southern Europe the performance was poorer. The method indicated that meteorology contributed to the downward trend in ozone seen at most sites for both 1990-2000 and 2000-2010.
Analyses of selected organic contaminants and metals in drinking bottles. Technical report.
On behalf of Norwegian Consumer Council NILU has conducted analyses of organic contaminants and metals in the leachate from selected drinking bottles. The simulation of the leakage is conducted based on a compilation of the methods described within NS-EN-1186-9 and NS-EN-13130-1. The instrumental analytical methods used were already established at NILU and NIVA. A number of different organic contaminants and metals have been found in trace amounts in the different products.
Meteorological Synthesizing Centre - East (MSC-E)
Assessment of heavy metal transboundary pollution on global, regional and national scales
Meteorological Synthesizing Centre - East (MSC-E)
Environmental pollutants in the terrestrial and urban environment 2017
Abiotic and biotic samples from the terrestrial and urban environment were analysed for inorganic and various organic contaminants in the Oslo area. The species analysed were earthworms, fieldfare, sparrowhawk, brown rat, tawny owl, red fox and badger. Air and soil samples were also included in the study to increase the understanding on sources and uptake of pollutants. A foodchain approach was used, in order to detect trophic magnification of the different compounds.