NILU’s laboratories offer services to industry and government. We can analyse almost all kinds of organic and inorganic compounds. We investigate potential toxicity of most substances, focusing on environmental pollution, small particles and nanomaterials. We also provide environmental forensics – identification of legal and illegal emissions and pollutants to the environment.
Laboratory services

Chemical analyses
NILU’s organic and inorganic laboratories cover a wide range of analytical techniques and have accumulated a high level of expertise. We develop methods adapted to the customer’s problem.

Environmental forensics
NILU offers analyses and services to industry and authorities in environmental issues for the purpose of identifying legal and illegal emissions and pollutants to the environment.

Toxicity testing
NILU studerer toksisitet av naturlige og menneskeskapte stoffer ved å bruke celler fra mennesker og pattedyr. Vi kan undersøke potensiell toksisitet av de fleste stoffer, men har hovedfokus på miljøforurensning, små partikler og nanomaterialer.