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Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2022.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen

This report presents results from the monitoring of atmospheric composition and deposition of air pollution in 2022, and focuses on main components in air and precipitation, particulate and gaseous phase of inorganic constituents, particulate carbonaceous matter, ground level ozone and particulate matter. The level of pollution in 2022 was generally low though a few high episodes occurred, i.e., one in March with elevated aerosol concentrations and one during July, with high ozone levels.



Kartlegging av svevestøv fra anleggsvirksomhet i Lørenskog kommune. Målinger i perioden april – august 2022.

Hak, Claudia; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Grythe, Henrik; Markelj, Miha; Vo, Dam Thanh; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad

I et samarbeidsprosjekt med Lørenskog kommune utførte NILU en målekampanje rundt ett av boligbyggeprosjektene på Lørenskog. Formålet med målingene var å få økt kunnskap om svevestøvnivåer i omgivelsene til anleggsplasser. Målingene ble utført ved 2 steder rundt en byggeplass på Skårerbyen.
Måleresultatene viser at PM10 nivået var høyere rundt anleggsplassen enn ved en nærliggende veinær målestasjon. Observasjonene tyder på at anleggsaktivitet var årsaken. Et viktig resultat fra målekampanjen er at målinger av svevestøv med optiske målemetoder ikke anses som egnet i områder der anleggsstøv dominerer.



FAIRMODE Guidance Document on Modelling Quality Objectives and Benchmarking. Version 3.3.

Janssen, S.; Thunis, P.; Adani, M.; Piersanti, A.; Carnevale, C.; Cuvelier, C.; Durka, P.; Georgieva, E.; Guerreiro, Cristina; Malherbe, L.; Maiheu, B.; Meleux, F.; Monteiro, A.; Miranda, A.; Olesen, H.; Pfafflin, F.; Stocker, J.; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Stidworthy, A.; Stortini, M.; Trimpeneers, E.; Viaene, P.; Vitali, L.; Vincent, K.; Wesseling, J.

The development of the procedure for air quality model benchmarking in the context of the Air Quality Directive 2008/50/EC (AQD) has been an on-going activity in the context of the FAIRMODE community, chaired by the JRC. A central part of the studies was the definition of proper modelling quality indicators and criteria to be fulfilled in order to allow sufficient level of quality for a given model application under the AQD. The focus initially on applications related to air quality assessment has gradually been expanded to other applications, such as forecasting and planning. The main purpose of this Guidance Document is to explain and summarise the current concepts of the modelling quality objective methodology, elaborated in various papers and documents in the FAIRMODE community, addressing model applications for air quality assessment and forecast. Other goals of the Document are linked to presentation and explanation of templates for harmonised reporting of modelling results. Giving an overview of still open issues in the implementation of the presented methodology, the document aims at triggering further research and discussions. A core set of statistical indicators is defined using pairs of measurement-modelled data. The core set is the basis for the definition of a modelling quality indicator (MQI) and additional modelling performance indicators (MPI), which take into account the measurement uncertainty. The MQI describes the discrepancy between measurements and modelling results (linked to RMSE), normalised by measurement uncertainty and a scaling factor. The modelling quality objective (MQO) requires MQI to be less than or equal to 1. With an arbitrary selection of the scaling factor of 2, the fulfilment of the MQO means that the allowed deviation between modelled and measured concentrations is twice the measurement uncertainty. Expressions for the MQI calculation based on time series and yearly data are introduced. MPI refer to aspects of correlation, bias and standard deviation, applied to both the spatial and temporal dimensions. Similarly to the MQO for the MQI, modelling performance criteria (MPC) are defined for the MPI; they are necessary, but not sufficient criteria to determine whether the MQO is fulfilled. The MQO is required to be fulfilled at 90% of the stations, a criterion which is implicitly taken into account in the derivation of the MQI. The associated modelling uncertainty is formulated, showing that in case of MQO fulfilment the modelling uncertainty must not exceed 1.75 times the measurement one (with the scaling factor fixed to 2). A reporting template is presented and explained for hourly and yearly average data. In both cases there is a diagram and a table with summary statistics. In a separate section open issues are discussed and an overview of related publications and tools is provided. Finally, a chapter on modelling quality objectives for forecast models is introduced. In Annex 1, we discuss the measurement uncertainty which is expressed in terms of concentration and its associated uncertainty. The methodology for estimating the measurement uncertainty is overviewed and the parameters for its calculation for PM, NO2 and O3 are provided. An expression for the associated modelling uncertainty is also given. This aim of this document is to support modelling groups, local, regional and national authorities in their modelling application, in the context of air quality policy.

Publications Office for the European Union


Source apportionment to support air quality management practices. A fitness-for-purpose guide (V 4.0).

Clappier, A.; Thunis, P.; Pirovano, G.; Riffault, V.; Gilardoni, S.; Pisoni, E.; Guerreiro, Cristina; Monteiro, A.; Dupont, H; Waersted, E.; Hellebust, S.; Stocker, J.; Eriksson, A.; Angyal, A.; Bonafe, G.; Montanari, F.; Matejovica, J.; Bartzis, J.; Gianelle, V.

Information on the origin of pollution is an essential element of air quality management that helps identifying measures to control air pollution. In this document, we review the most widely used source-apportionment (SA) methods for air quality management. The focus is on particulate matter but examples are provided for NO2 as well. Using simple theoretical examples, we explain the differences between these methods and the circumstances where they give different results and thus possibly different conclusions for air quality management. These differences are a consequence of the assumptions that underpin each methodology and determine/limit their range of applicability. We show that ignoring these underlying assumptions is a risk for efficient/successful air quality management when the methods are used outside their scope or range of applicability.

Publications Office for the European Union


Best practices for local and regional air quality management. Version 1.

Pisoni, E.; Guerreiro, Cristina; Namdeo, A.; Ortiz, A. G.; Thunis, P.; Janssen, S.; Ketzel, M; Wackenier, L.; Eisold, A.; Volta, M.; Nagl, C.; Monteiro, A.; Eneroth, K.; Fameli, K. M.; Real, E.; Assimakopoulos, V; Pommier, M; Conlan, B.

FAIRMODE is the Forum for Air Quality Modeling created for exchanging experience and results from air quality modeling in the context of the Air Quality Directives (AQD) and for promoting the use of modeling for air quality assessment and management. FAIRMODE is organized in different activities and task, called cross-cutting tasks, to which representative of Member States and experts participate. Among the different activities, one is devoted to Air Quality management practices, called cross-cutting task 5 (CT5). This report is indeed based on the last activities of the FAIRMODE Cross Cutting Task 5 (CT5), focusing, in particular, on elaborating recommendations to support local, regional and national authorities in the use of modelling for the development of air quality plans, defining on how to quantify emission changes associated to a set of measures, and quantifying their impacts in terms of concentration (using an ‘impact pathway approach’ from ‘abatement measure’ to ‘emissions’ to ‘concentrations’). This is done on one side taking advantage of the results already produced by previous FAIRMODE working groups and in coordination with existing activities under other FAIRMODE CTs. On the other side, examples of best practice policies are presented, focusing on Low emission zones: with an example on Antwerp and Copenhagen, Measures on non-exhaust traffic to reduce PM, with an application on Stockholm. How to reduce ozone concentrations, with a focus on local to global contributions. How to build an air quality plan in an integrated way, with an application on Italy. How to evaluate the socio-economic impact of measures, focusing on a case study on UK. The results show how different pollutants should be tackled differently, the importance of integration among different sectoral plans (on emissions, greenhouse gases mitigation, …) and also how other dimensions of the problem (i.e. social aspects) should be considered when building air quality plans.

Publications Office for the European Union


Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2022, using validated and up-to-date data

Targa, Jaume; Ripoll, Anna; Banyuls, Lorena; Ortiz, Alberto González; Soares, Joana



Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2021, using validated data

Targa, Jaume; Ripoll, Anna; Banyuls, Lorena; Ortiz, Alberto González; Soares, Joana



Deposition of sulfur and nitrogen in Norway 2017-2021

Blake, Lewis R.; Aas, Wenche; Denby, Bruce; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Mu, Qing; Simpson, David; Ytre-Eide, Martin; Fagerli, Hilde

Norwegian Meteorological Institute


Nasjonalt veikart for CO2M/CO2MVS

Kylling, Arve; Børke, Ragnhild; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Peters, Glen Philip; Stebel, Kerstin; Tarrasón, Leonor

På vegne av Norsk Romsenter har NILU – Norsk institutt for luftforskning og CICERO Senter for klimaforskning utarbeidet et veikart for hvordan Norge kan nyttiggjøre seg data fra CO2 Monitoring-satellittene (CO2M) og tjenesten CO2-emissions Monitoring and Verification Support Capacity (CO2MVS) i forvaltning, forskningsmiljøer og næringsliv. Veikartet avslutter med anbefalinger for veien videre for Norge vedrørende CO2M og CO2MVS.



Hazard and exposure assessment of do-it-yourself products forimpregnation

Højriis, Sara; Christensen, Frans; Larssen, Carsten; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Sørli, Jorid Birkelund; Jensen, Alexander Christian Østerskov (eds.)

A large number of do-it-yourself impregnation products are marketed to Danish consumers. The products are typically used for re-impregnation of consumer products (e.g. footware and outdoor clothing) immediately after the products have been purchased or when the water and/or dirt-repellent effect begins to diminish.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has chosen to make a survey of the market, where 110 do-it-yourself impregnation products were identified within ten different application categories. Out of these products, 14 were included in initial chemical content analyzes, as well as hazard and exposure analyzes. The main components in the majority of the products were saturated hydrocarbons, but some of the products also contained oxygen-containing solvents (e.g. alcohols, ethers, esters or ketones). The potential hazard of 12 of the 14 selected impregnation spray products was performed by measuring acute respiratory toxicity. Of the 12 products tested, 10 inhibited the function of the lung surfactant and may therefore potentially be harmful by inhalation.

On the basis of this study, it could not be demonstrated that the products with PFAS resulted in an inhibition of the lung surfactant at lower doses as compared to products without PFAS; in fact, the lowest inhibitory doses were seen for impregnating agents based on siloxanes/silicones. The results show that the hazardous properties of an impregnation product cannot be determined solely on the basis of the ingredients, and it is therefore necessary to examine the ability of the individual products to inhibit the lung surfactant in connection with a hazard assessment.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency


Revidert tiltaksutredning for lokal luftkvalitet i Drammen

Weydahl, Torleif; Markelj, Miha; Høyem, Harald

NILU – Norsk institutt for luftforskning har, i samarbeid med Asplan Viak AS, utarbeidet en tiltaksutredning for lokal luftkvalitet i Drammen kommune. Tiltaksutredningen omfatter en kartlegging av luftkvaliteten i Drammen ved trafikkberegninger og utslipps- og spredningsberegninger for svevestøv (PM10 og PM2,5) for Dagens situasjon 2021 og Referansesituasjonen 2030 og for 2030 med tiltak rettet mot svevestøv. Basert på resultatene fra beregningene og i samarbeid med oppdragsgiver, styringsgruppe og referansegruppe, er det foreslått en revidert handlingsplan som skal behandles politisk.



Chlorinated paraffins in urban air in Nordic countries

Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Borgen, Anders; Nipen, Maja

In 2022, the Joint Nordic screening group decided to perform a Nordic study on short-, medium- and long-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs, MCCPs, LCCPs) in urban air. A previous study performed on behalf of screening group in 2019 observed higher concentrations of chlorinated paraffins (CPs) in air samples from an urban site than from remote sites (Schlabach et al. 2022). It was then suggested that tire wear particles could be the source for the elevated urban concentrations.

The focus of the study in 2022 was to collect data to improve the understanding of sources for CPs in air by: (1) comparing concentrations measured in wintertime when studded tires are used and in summertime when normal tires are used, (2) comparing data from three capitals in the Nordic countries, and (3) compare urban air concentrations to air concentrations in a car tire testing facility. All the member countries were invited to participate but based on the possibilities to collect active air samples in urban locations, it was decided to collect air samples from Helsinki (Finland), Reykjavik and Reykjanesbær (Iceland) and Oslo (Norway). Samples were collected in February–March 2022 and May–August 2022. The sampling time for each sample was 48 hrs and 3–6 samples were collected per site and season.

Nordic Council of Ministers


Review of methods that can be used in the assessment of atmospheric deposition

Aas, Wenche; Soares, Joana; Hamer, Paul David; Schneider, Philipp; Svendby, Tove Marit; Guerreiro, Cristina

There are three main approaches for estimating the atmospheric deposition: 1) From measurements of air and precipitation chemistry combined with statistical interpolation, 2) Chemical transport models, 3) Combined observations and atmospheric model calculations. This report reviews these different approaches and come with some general recommendations on the different strategies and the way forward for Poland.

The report was made for the project "Strengthening of atmospheric deposition assessment in Poland based on Norwegian experience" under the program "Environment, Energy and Climate Change", financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021".



Status for miljøet i norske havområder - Rapport fra Overvåkingsgruppen 2023

Albretsen, Jon; Arneberg, Per; Assmann, Karen; Assmy, Philipp; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Børsheim, Knut Yngve; Chierici, Melissa; Christensen, Kai Håkon; Dalpadado, Padmini; Diesing, Markus; Espenes, Lars Christian; Falkenhaug, Tone; Fauchald, Per; Frantzen, Sylvia; Frie, Anne Kirstine Højholt; Gerland, Sebastian; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Gundersen, Hege; Gundersen, Kjell; Hancke, Kasper; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Husa, Vivian; Ingvaldsen, Randi Brunvær; Jelmert, Anders; Hensen, Henning; Jensen, Louise Kiel; Jensen, Martin; Johansson, Josefina; Johnsen, Hanne; Jørgensen, Lis Lindal; Kovacs, Kit M.; Leiknes, Øystein; Leonard, Deanna Marie; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Mousing, Erik Askov; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Rosendal, Elisabet; Sanchez-Borque, Jorge; Schøyen, Merete; Skagseth, Øystein; Skjerdal, Hilde Kristin; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Skogen, Morten D.; Stene, Kristine O.; Søvik, Guldborg; Thorsnes, Terje; van der Meeren, Gro Ingleid; Vee, Ida; von Quillfeldt, Cecilie

I denne rapporten gir Overvåkingsgruppen, for første gang, en felles vurdering av miljøtilstanden i Barentshavet og havområdene utenfor Lofoten, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen med Skagerrak. Det er også første rapport som bruker resultater fra det nylig utviklede fagsystemet for vurdering av økologisk tilstand. I denne rapporten dekkes to hovedtemaer: (1) Dominerende trekk i status og utvikling i økosystemet i alle tre havområdene, basert på vurderingene av økologisk tilstand, Overvåkingsgruppens rapport om forurensning fra 2022, indikatorer fra Overvåkingsgruppen som ikke er dekket under vurdering av økologisk tilstand, samt rapporter og annen relevant informasjon fra forskning, og (2) en vurdering av karbonbinding i marint plankton, marine vegetasjonstyper og marine sedimenter. I tillegg er det gitt en oppsummering for endringer i ytre påvirkning, vurdering av kunnskapsbehov samt en vurdering av indikatorverdier i forhold til referanseverdier og tiltaksgrenser. Vurderingen av dominerende trekk i utvikling og tilstand av miljøet som er gitt i kapittel 2, utgjør Overvåkingsgruppens bidrag til Faglig forums samlerapport om det faglige grunnlaget for revisjon og oppdatering av de helhetlige forvaltningsplanene for norske havområder.



Sysav Malmö - CCS Waste-to-Energy. A Worst Case / Likely Case study of amines, nitramines and nitrosamines.

Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Tønnesen, Dag; Markelj, Miha; Solberg, Sverre; Svendby, Tove Marit



Tiltaksutredning for lokal luftkvalitet i Lørenskog kommune

Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Walker, Sam-Erik; Weydahl, Torleif; Markelj, Miha; Andersen, André; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Grythe, Henrik

NILU – Norsk institutt for luftforskning har, i samarbeid med Transportanalyse AS, utarbeidet en tiltaksutredning for bedre luftkvalitet i Lørenskog. Utredningen er gjennomført på oppdrag av Lørenskog kommune. Tiltaksutredningen omfatter en kartlegging av luftkvaliteten i Lørenskog kommune ved trafikkberegninger og utslipps- og spredningsberegninger for PM10, PM2,5 og NO2 for Dagens situasjon 2019 og Referansesituasjonen 2030 med eksisterende og eventuelle nye tiltak. Basert på resultatene fra beregningene og i samarbeid med oppdragsgiver og referansegruppen, er det foreslått en revidert handlings- og beredskapsplan som skal behandles politisk.



Migration analysis of chemical additives from indoor consumer plastic products

Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla

NILU has, on behalf of the Norwegian Environment Agency, performed chemical analyses of a selection of chemical additives in indoor consumer plastic products. The goal was to identify content and migration of the chemical additives in and from the products to particles and surfaces of the products at room temperature. The plastic products included; furniture wrap, wall papers, table cloths, shower curtains, floor tiles, mattresses, pillows, carpet underlays and a bathtub mat. Targeted chemicals were organophosphorous flame retardants (OPFRs), brominated flame retardants (BFRs) including tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), chlorinated paraffins (CPs) and dechloranes. MCCPs and SCCPs were found in ‰ to % levels in PVC containing products. Four of the OPFRs were found in up to ‰ levels in adhesive foils to be put on furniture or floor/walls and mattresses. None of the targeted brominated compounds nor melamine were detected in the product samples.



Interim European air quality maps for 2021. PM10, NO2 and ozone spatial estimates based on non-validated UTD data.

Horálek, Jan; Vlasakova, Leona; Schreiberova, Marketa; Schneider, Philipp; Damaskova, Dasa

This report presents European interim air quality maps for 2021, which are based on the non-validated up-to-date (UTD) measurement data and the CAMS Ensemble Forecast modelling results, together with other supplementary data. It contains maps of PM10 and NO2 annual averages and ozone indicator SOMO35.



European air quality maps for 2020. PM10, PM2.5, Ozone, NO2, NOx and Benzo(a)pyrene spatial estimates and their uncertainties.

Horálek, Jan; Vlasakova, Leona; Schreiberova, Marketa; Markova, Jana; Schneider, Philipp; Kurfürst, Pavel; Tognet, Frédéric; Schovánková, Jana; Vlcek, Ondrej; Damaskova, Dasa

The report provides the annual update of the European air quality concentration maps and population exposure estimates for human health related indicators of pollutants PM10 (annual average, 90.4 percentile of daily means), PM2.5 (annual average), ozone (93.2 percentile of maximum daily 8-hour means, SOMO35, SOMO10), NO2 (annual average) and benzo(a)pyrene (annual average), and vegetation related ozone indicators (AOT40 for vegetation and for forests) for the year 2020. The report contains also Phytotoxic ozone dose (POD) for wheat, potato and tomato maps and NOx annual average map for 2020. The benzo(a)pyrene map is presented for the first time in this regular mapping report. The trends in exposure estimates in the period 2005–2020 are summarized. The analysis for 2020 is based on the interpolation of the annual statistics of the 2020 observational data reported by the EEA member and cooperating countries and other voluntary reporting countries and stored in the Air Quality e-reporting database, complemented, when needed, with measurements from additional sources. The mapping method is the Regression – Interpolation – Merging Mapping (RIMM). It combines monitoring data, chemical transport model results and other supplementary data using linear regression model followed by kriging of its residuals (residual kriging). The paper presents the mapping results and gives an uncertainty analysis of the interpolated maps. It also presents concentration change in 2020 in comparison to the five-year average 2015-2019 using the difference maps.



Recommendations for an update of the Implementing Provisions for Reporting (IPR) in connection with the revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives

Tarrasón, Leonor; Guerreiro, Cristina

This report aims to support the on-going revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives by providing a series of recommendations on the reciprocal exchange of information and reporting of ambient air quality (e-reporting) following the Commission Implementing Decision (2011/850/EU). It builds on the experience and understanding from the EEA and technical experts at its European Topic Centre for Human Health and the Environment (ETC HE) working with implementing provisions for reporting (IPR) and identifies areas for further efficiency gains in e-reporting, in particular concerning the H-K dataflows.



Målinger av SO2 i omgivelsene til Elkem Carbon og REC Solar. Januar 2022 – desember 2022.

Hak, Claudia; Stensrød, Anna Maria Røyset; Andresen, Erik

På oppdrag fra Elkem Carbon AS har NILU utført målinger av SO2 i omgivelsene til Elkem Carbon og REC Solar i Vågsbygd (Kristiansand kommune). Elkem Carbon har i sin tillatelse fra Miljødirektoratet krav om å gjennomføre kontinuerlig måling av SO2 i omgivelsesluft. Målingene ble utført med SO2-monitor i boligområdet på Fiskåtangen (Konsul Wilds vei). I tillegg har Elkem Carbon AS valgt å måle med passive SO2-prøvetakere ved 3 steder rundt bedriftene. Rapporten dekker målinger i perioden 1. januar – 31. desember 2022. Norske grenseverdier for luftkvalitet (SO2) ble overholdt ved Konsul Wilds vei for alle midlingsperioder krevet i forurensningsforskriften (årsmiddel, vintermiddel, døgnmiddel og timemiddel). De mest belastede stedene i måleperioden var Konsul Wilds vei nordøst og Fiskåveien rett sør for bedriftene. To døgnmidler var over 125 µg/m3 (grenseverdi, 3 tillatt), 4 døgnmidler var over øvre vurderingsterskel (75 µg/m3) og 11 døgnmidler var over nedre vurderingsterskel (50 µg/m3).



Skogens helsetilstand i Norge. Resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i 2021

Timmermann, Volkmar; Børja, Isabella; Clarke, Nicholas; Eriksen, Rune; Gohli, Jostein; Hylen, Gro; Jepsen, Jane Uhd; Krokene, Paal; Lange, Holger; Meissner, Helge Rainer; Nagy, Nina Elisabeth; Nordbakken, Jørn-Frode; Solberg, Sverre; Solheim, Halvor; Vindstad, Ole Petter Laksforsmo; Økland, Bjørn; Aas, Wenche

Skogens helsetilstand påvirkes i stor grad av klima og værforhold, enten direkte ved tørke, frost og vind, eller indirekte ved at klimaet påvirker omfanget av soppsykdommer og insektangrep. Klimaendringene og den forventede økningen i klimarelaterte skogskader gir store utfordringer for forvaltningen av framtidas skogressurser. Det samme gjør invaderende skadegjørere, både allerede etablerte arter og nye som kan komme til Norge i nær framtid. I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i Norge i 2021 og trender over tid for følgende temaer:
(i) Landsrepresentativ skogovervåking;
(ii) Skogøkologiske analyser og målinger av luftkjemi på de intensive overvåkingsflatene;
(iii) Overvåking av bjørkemålere i Troms og Finnmark;
(iv) Barkbilleovervåkingen 2021 og mulig overgang til to generasjoner;
(v) Asiatisk askepraktbille – en dørstokkart?
(vi) Overvåking av askeskuddsyke;
(vii) Andre spesielle skogskader i 2021.


