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Thomas Walmsley


Thomas Walmsley works as an engineer at the department of monitoring and instrument technology. He has a master’s degree in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology (MSENVITOX) from NTNU where he in his thesis «Studies of environmental footprint in Brøggerdalen after rocket launching in Ny-Ålesund» did sampling, acid digestion and chemical analysis of trace elements and PCBs in sediment.

He is a part of the group that works on the Medusa GC-MS. He is also responsible for running the EC /OC where he analyses carbonaceous aerosols as a part of the monitoring projects as well as other projects on demand.

Mona Johnsrud

Mona Johnsrud


Mona Johnsrud holds a Bachelor in Analytical Chemistry from Oslo College of Engineering (Oslo ingeniørhøgskole), 1982. Been with NILU since 1987.

Mona has more than 20 years’ experience in quality control/quality assurance of measurement data, including organizing, handling, processing and analysing data, and uses this experience to contribute to various NILU projects.

This includes tasks for the Norwegian National reference laboratory for air quality measurements, like training, audits, and quality control and facilitation of measurement data for ambient air quality from Norwegian cities and municipalities for reporting to EU.

Mona has also been involved with specifications, testing and user training in electronic software development projects (, AirQUIS Web).

Mona has previously served as employee representative in NILUs Board of Directors for 12 years and is since 2016 serving as a board member in the union NTL Forskningsinstitutter.

Vo Thanh Dam

Dam Thanh Vo


Dam Thanh Vo has worked as a scientist at NILU since 2007. He is focusing on Emission Inventory on regional and local scale; Spatial Data Analysis using ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, ModelBuilder; Visualization of air quality dispersion modelling results – ESRI WebAppBuilder.

He has a Master in Environmental Geology and Geosciences from the University of Oslo, Norway, and is educated as an Geology and Environmental Engineer at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Before 2007, Dam Thanh Vo held a position as Head of EQMA Division, Environmental Quality Monitoring and Assessment Division, Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Protection Agency (HEPA), the division manages the whole environmental quality monitoring system of Ho Chi Minh City include instrument maintenance and data management.